This workshop is a continuation of the book "Rainbow of Love", which describes the different types of energy of love.
The workshop was created by me, on the basis of information on the energies of love. Love heals all diseases.
I was given information about the different energies of Love: these energies are a rainbow of colors and various shades, each of them heal various diseases and remedies are different situations in life. These energies flowing through your body, you will notice the wonderful changes in your life. These changes will occur to anyone who will host this seminar. Improve the health and life situations and may even leave the disease.
I've got the right to pass these energies for each of you. When a person comes to the miraculous icon and miraculously healed, he is ready for this healing, and he does not need to work with their beliefs, people just healed.
At the seminar you will be able to feel all the energy and heal the energies of different colors. These energies I, as a conductor, will give you a meditation. Each color comes love energy conductor with thin plan, it is always holy or archangels, they know all your problems and diseases, and if you are ready to be healed, it is happening right at the seminar.
The conductors with thin plan to touch your body, soul and spirit, and healing is possible immediately. If not, you may need to work with blocking beliefs which prevent healed right now.
The workshop is designed for 2 days from 11:00 to 18:00.
The first day: purification from insults to parents at loved ones, this day we will learn to forgive others and ourselves, we will work with them individually and in pairs. After lunch, we will learn to accept themselves and others to thank yourself and others.
The first day - is preparing himself and his body to the second day of treatment.
The second day, we will discuss what has changed after forgiveness and acceptance of yourself and others. This day is fully dedicated to the healing energy of love. Before lunch, the first three colors (red, orange, yellow - the color of the first 3 chakras) When healing will be used stones and crystals for healing in every color we spend about 30 minutes, followed by a break of 10-15 minutes. and discussion.
After lunch: Healing in green, cyan, blue, purple - the color of the upper chakras. Crystal is used, work in pairs and circles on each color 20-25 minutes break for tea, coffee and discussion.
At the end of the day all the energy harmonized white, which includes all the colors of the rainbow. After the seminar, the processes of change will take place 21den. And only then can we talk about the results of the training.
At the end of each workshop will be given a certificate of the author. All equipment used in the training are the author's technique, which came to me in India in the ashram.
I'm sure it will help each of you in one way or another, and perhaps heal. I will be glad to see you on my copyright training seminar Rainbow Love.
Sincerely Helena Victoria.
Cost: 12 000 rubles. Discount: Prepaid 5000 rubles. at least 3 weeks prior to the workshop cost is 10 000 rubles.
* Prepayment is not refundable and are not transferred to other workshops under any circumstances.